Panel and ceiling mouldings. Flexible mouldings, light cornices, ceiling medallions, columns and half columns from Belgian company Orac Decor. Luxurious and extremely durable, with elegant designs tha...
Kpartner is a brand that sells and installs construction products in Estonia. We aim to be your construction company. We want to offer our services based on your personal needs. Our main activity is t...
Männi 7, Luige, P.O. Box: 75401, Kiili Vald, Harjumaa
PETER TRANSPORT OÜ is a family-owned business based in Estonia. Founded in 2009, we have become one of Estonia's leading transportation companies. We offer a full range of services, including trucking...
Tööstuskaupade jae- ja hulgikaubandusega ning laomajandusega tegelev firma Agrotarve AS asutati 1972.a. Kaubandus Agrotarve AS on tegutsenud tööstuskaupade hulgimüüjana Eesti turul alates 1972.a. Kog...
Bauhof on Eesti suurim jaekaubandusettevõte ehitusmaterjalide ja aiakaupade sektoris. Rahvusvahelisel DIY-kaubanduskontseptsioonil põhinev Bauhofi kauplustekett pakub kvaliteetseid ehitus-, viimistlus...
DIAPOL GRANITE OÜ is a family owned business based in Estonia. Founded in 2009, the company specializes in the production of granite and related products. With a team of dedicated professionals, DIAPO...
Vabriku 7/9, Vahi, P.O. Box: 60511, Tartu Vald, Tartu, Tartumaa
Lindström Group Textile service company Lindström strengthens the company image of its customers. Our services support the daily operations of customers, providing the best value on the market. Lindst...
Piirimäe 4, Tänassilma tehnopark, P.O. Box: 76401, Saku Vald, Tallinn, Harjumaa
Parimad lahendused ja suurim materjalivalik ehitus-, reklaam- ja tööstussektorisse aastast 1996. Proplastik pakub suurepärase kvaliteediga erinevaid materjale ettevõtetele kui ka eraisikutele konkuren...
AS Toode on ettevõte, kes aitab Teie kodule ehitada uue katuse – eemaldame ja utiliseerimine vana katusekatte, teostame kõik teraskatusega seotud plekitööd. Katus on maja kroon ja tähtsaim osa, selle ...
VK Traktorikaubad OÜ is a company in Estonia that specializes in the sale of tractors and other agricultural equipment. Their selection of products includes a wide variety of tractors, cultivators, mo...
Piirimäe 8, Tänassilma, P.O. Box: 76406, Saku Vald, Harjumaa
PMC Hydraulics Group is the leading Nordic provider of complete solutions in the PMC segment - Power, Motion, Control, with sales around the world. We develop, manufacture and market everything from h...
Ramirent is one of the leading machine rental companies in Northern, Central, and Eastern Europe. We deliver machine and safety solutions to the construction industry as well as other industries. Our ...
Wood as a construction material is strong, long lasting and good thermal insulator. It is for the environment appreciating and home warmth valuing people. Northern Wood is a trademark, that has grown ...